SNL’s Colin Jost Thinks Trump Knows Too Much About Cocaine


Ever since a mysterious white substance later confirmed to be cocaine was found in the White House in July 2023, Donald Trump has been full of theories of how it got there and who it belonged to—and relishes every chance to share those assumptions.

“Weekend Update” co-anchor Colin Jost has come to expect anything from the former president, but even he seemed slightly taken aback by Trump’s insinuations in a recent interview.

“In a new interview, President Trump also claimed that Joe Biden was high on cocaine during the State of the Union,” said Jost, doing his best to not break out into laughter during this weekend’s Saturday Night Live. “Saying: ‘He was all jacked up at the beginning; by the end, he was fading fast.’

“Huh—it almost sounds like Donald Trump knows exactly what it feels like to be high on cocaine,” said Jost. “You know, like in the beginning you’ve got a lot of energy,” he continued, while flashing to a clip of Trump at once of his campaign rallies—complete with Trump dancing wildly to ‘Y.M.C.A.’

“Then, by the end, you’re fading fast,” Jost continued, showing Trump speaking at the end of a press conference where he seemed to have decided that words and syllables were too much work, so instead just let his mouth keep moving and making noise.

But Jost didn’t exactly give Biden a pass, joking that after Trump used an empty podium at a campaign rally to challenge the president to a debate “anytime, anyplace,” Trump and Biden are “both polling 80 points behind the podium.”

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